the eighties, all of this was forest, says Patrick Tommy, a community elder of
perhaps 60, whose eyes are starting to fade to a pale blue with the onset of
hiking up to One House, a neighborhood so named after the era - not so long ago
- when there was only a single human residence on this hillside. It’s hard to
un-imagine the profusion of houses all around me, of laboriously etched-out earthen terraces
colorful with drying laundry, of children in blue and yellow school uniforms
toting water jugs, of men and women trekking up and down the slope with goods
for sale. It seems extraordinary that, a mere 30 years ago, wild chimpanzees were
probably living here.
Freetown, in another hillside neighborhood a bit farther from the central
business district, people have not yet exhausted the local supply of wood.
Plenty of residents there still eke out a living but cutting firewood, or by
transforming it into charcoal, the two most common fuels for household
cooking. Is anyone here planting new trees to replace the ones they’re cutting? I
asked a tribal chief we met during our initial visit.
No, no one, he replied.
So how will all of these people manage ten years from now? I persisted.
The chief shrugged. They will find something else to do.

High-speed urbanization isn't just a Freetown phenomenon. All over Africa, people are flocking to cities. The United Nations estimates that by 2050, 60% of Africa's population will live in urban areas. 60% would be a moderate figure in the developed world; in countries like the U.S. and France, around 80% of the population lives in cities. But it's astounding in a continent where, half a century ago, almost the entire population was rural, surviving mostly on subsistence farming.

But while some folks I've met hope to someday move out of the slums, nobody talks about leaving Freetown. And so this city, home to a mere 65,000 residents in the 1950s, with a population of over a million today, will continue to grow. And all of those people will do whatever it takes to get by.